Speaker Sign-Up

We are seeking dedicated professionals to speak, present their work, judge competitions, and participate in professional development activities for the 2024 MCDITE SLS at Penn State. Your expertise and experience are invaluable in guiding the next generation of transportation leaders. By sharing your knowledge, you can inspire and shape the future of our industry. Join us in making a meaningful impact—your involvement is essential for the success of this event!

Please fill out the form below by October 4, 2024.

Hosted by Penn State ITE, the first Mid-Colonial District Student Leadership Summit (SLS) will be held at The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA on November 15-16, 2024.

The summit is designed to foster leadership skills, promote professional development, and facilitate valuable career and networking opportunities for both students and professionals in the field of transportation engineering. Don’t miss this unique convergence of future leaders and seasoned experts!

In addition to the technical and professional development sessions, the summit will feature exciting student competitions, including a 3-minute thesis style event and the District Traffic Bowl. The Mid-Colonial District will host the 2024-2025 District Traffic Bowl tournament at the SLS. The winner will advance to the 2025 International Grand Championship, to be held at the 2025 ITE International Annual Meeting in August 2025 in Orlando, FL.

What’s a Student Leadership Summit?

The Student Leadership Summit originated in the Western District in 2014 and have been hosted across the U.S., Canada, and in the ITE Australia and New Zealand Section. They are planned by students, for students. ITE’s professional members typically provide support through sponsorships and participation in the summit’s program. For more information, visit ITE International.

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Technical Program

Morning Session #1

Transitioning from School to Workforce – Heritage Hall

Panel Discussion

As students approach the culmination of their academic journey, the transition from school to the workforce becomes a pivotal phase filled with excitement and challenges. This panel discussion brings together industry professionals and recent graduates to share insights and experiences on navigating this critical transition. The session aims to provide students and recent graduates with practical advice, strategies for success, and a realistic understanding of what to expect as they embark on their professional careers. This discussion is an invaluable opportunity for students and recent graduates to gain practical knowledge and prepare for the next steps in their careers.

More Details on this Session
Key Discussion Topics:
  1. Understanding the Transition:
    • Exploring the significant differences between academic life and professional work environments. Addressing the common challenges faced during the transition period.
  2. Preparation and Adaptation:
    • Identifying the skills and knowledge that are most valuable in the workforce. Sharing experiences of what panelists wish they had known before entering the job market.
  3. Leveraging Academic Experiences:
    • Highlighting the aspects of academic training that proved most beneficial in professional settings. Discussing how internships, projects, and extracurricular activities contribute to career readiness.
Potential Questions
  1. What are the biggest differences between being a student and being a professional in transportation?
    •  How did you adjust to these changes?
  2. What are some things you wish you had known before the transition from school to workforce?
    • Are there any specific challenges you encountered that you didn’t expect?
  3. What experiences or aspects of your education prepared you best for your job?
    • Were there any courses, projects, or internships that were especially beneficial?
  4. Can you share an example of a skill you learned in school that you use regularly in your job?
    • How did your academic background directly contribute to your current role?
  5. What advice would you give to students who are about to enter the workforce?
    • Are there any specific steps they should take to prepare themselves?

Resume Review – HUB 134

Interactive Session

Crafting a compelling resume is crucial for students preparing to enter the workforce, as it serves as the first impression for potential employers. This interactive session, “Resume Review,” offers students a unique opportunity to learn what reviewers are looking for in a resume and receive personalized feedback to refine their own. The session will include a brief presentation on resume best practices, followed by hands-on review sessions where students can get direct feedback and make improvements on the spot. This session is an invaluable opportunity for students to enhance their resumes, increase their chances of securing job interviews, and ultimately advance their careers.

More Details on this Session
Key Session Features:
  1. Presentation on Resume Best Practices:
    • An informative presentation covering what employers and recruiters look for in a resume.
    • Tips on how to effectively highlight skills, experience, and accomplishments.
    • Common pitfalls to avoid and strategies to make a resume stand out.
  2. Initial Resume Review:
    • Students will bring their current resumes for an initial review.
    • Professional reviewers will provide personalized feedback and suggestions for improvement.
  3. Revision Time:
    • Students will have time to revise their resumes based on the feedback received.
    • Assistance from reviewers and peers will be available during this revision period.
  4. Second Review Session:
    • After revisions, students will have the opportunity to have their updated resumes reviewed again.
    • Additional feedback will be provided to further polish and perfect their resumes.

What are You Working On? Showcasing Innovations in Transportation EngineeringHUB 233AB

Classroom Session

The field of transportation engineering is constantly evolving, with professionals working on a diverse array of exciting and impactful projects. This classroom session, “What Are You Working On?”, offers a unique opportunity to gain insights into the latest developments and innovations in the transportation engineering industry. Featuring presentations from passionate professionals, this session will highlight the cutting-edge projects they are currently engaged in and the challenges and opportunities they encounter.

More Details on this Session
Key Session Features:
  1. Case Studies of Major Infrastructure Collapses:
    • Detailed presentations on the I-95 collapse in Philadelphia and the Key Bridge collapse in Baltimore.
    • Examination of the immediate impacts, response strategies, and long-term recovery efforts for each incident.
  2. Emergency Response Strategies:
    • Discussion of the key components of effective emergency response plans for transportation infrastructure.
    • Exploration of coordination efforts between various agencies, including local, state, and federal authorities.
  3. Challenges and Solutions:
    • Analysis of the logistical, technical, and communication challenges encountered during the emergency response.
    • Insights into the innovative solutions and approaches used to overcome these challenges.
  4. Lessons Learned:
    • Sharing lessons learned from past responses to infrastructure emergencies.
    • Identification of practices for future emergency preparedness and response planning.

Things I Wish I Knew About Project ManagementHUB 131

Panel Discussion

Project management in engineering involves a unique set of challenges and responsibilities that go beyond technical expertise. This panel discussion brings together seasoned project managers to share their insights and experiences, shedding light on the often unseen aspects of engineering project management. The session aims to provide aspiring project managers and engineers with a deeper understanding of the realities of managing projects, from unexpected responsibilities to the balance between technical work and management duties.

More Details on this Session
Key Discussion Topics:
  1. Unseen Aspects of Project Management:
    • Exploring the surprising elements and challenges of managing engineering projects.
    • Discussing the skills and knowledge that go beyond technical expertise.
  2. Balancing Technical and Managerial Responsibilities:
    • Sharing experiences of maintaining involvement in the technical aspects of projects while managing them.
    • Highlighting the importance of delegating tasks and trusting team members.
  3. Unexpected Responsibilities:
    • Identifying the roles and tasks that project managers may not anticipate.
    • Discussing the importance of communication, budgeting, and stakeholder management.
  4. Lessons from Mismanagement:
    • Sharing personal stories of project management mishaps and how they were resolved.
    • Providing insights on learning from mistakes and improving management practices.
  5. Advice for Aspiring Project Managers:
    • Offering practical tips and strategies for those new to project management.
    • Discussing the importance of continuous learning and professional development.
Potential Questions for Panelists:
  1. What kinds of things surprised you about managing projects?
    • Were there any specific challenges you did not expect?
  2. How much do you still participate in the technical side of the work?
    • How do you balance technical involvement with managerial responsibilities?
  3. What are some responsibilities you didn’t expect to have as a project manager?
    • How did you adapt to these new roles?
  4. Can you share a time when you may have mismanaged something, and how did it get resolved?
    • What lessons did you learn from this experience?
  5. What skills or knowledge do you wish you had before starting your first project management role?
    • How did you acquire these skills over time?
  6. How do you manage communication and coordination among team members and stakeholders?
    • What strategies have you found effective in ensuring clear and consistent communication?
  7. What advice would you give to engineers who are transitioning into project management roles?
    • Are there specific steps or preparations that can help ease this transition?

Morning Session #2

Preparing for Licensing – Heritage Hall

Panel Discussion

Obtaining professional licensure is a significant milestone in many careers, representing both a culmination of rigorous academic training and the beginning of a new phase of professional development. This panel discussion brings together seasoned professionals who have successfully navigated the licensure process to share their experiences, strategies, and advice. The session aims to demystify the licensure journey, offering practical tips on how to prepare effectively for exams, integrate work experience into study routines, and understand the impact of licensure on professional life.

More Details on this Session
Key Discussion Topics:
  1. Navigating the Licensure Process:
    • Understanding the steps involved in obtaining licensure.
    • Discussing the common challenges and obstacles faced during the process.
  2. Effective Study Strategies:
    • Sharing methods and resources for studying effectively for licensure exams.
  3. Leveraging Work Experience:
    • Exploring how real-world work projects and experiences can enhance exam preparation.
    • Discussing the relevance of practical skills and knowledge in the context of licensure exams.
  4. Impact of Licensure on Professional Life:
    • Examining how professional responsibilities and opportunities change post-licensure.
    • Discussing the added value of licensure in career advancement and professional credibility.
  5. Advice for Aspiring Licensees:
    • Offering guidance and encouragement to those currently preparing for licensure exams.
    • Providing insights on how to stay motivated and focused throughout the process.
Potential Questions for Panelists:
  1. What was the most difficult part of the licensure process for you?
    • How did you overcome these challenges?
  2. How did you study for these exams most effectively?
    • Were there specific strategies or resources that you found particularly helpful?
  3. How did your work experience prepare you for the licensure exams?
    • Can you provide examples of projects or tasks that were directly applicable to exam content?
  4. How does your professional life differ now that you are licensed?
    • What new responsibilities or opportunities have arisen since obtaining your license?
  5. Can you describe a specific instance where your practical work experience significantly aided your exam preparation?
    • How did you integrate work and study effectively?
  6. What advice would you give to someone currently preparing for licensure exams?
    • Are there any common pitfalls to avoid or best practices to follow?
  7. In what ways has licensure impacted your career trajectory?
    • Have you noticed a difference in professional recognition or career opportunities?

Ace the Interview – HUB 134

Interactive Session

Mastering the art of the interview is essential for students and young professionals aiming to make a strong impression on potential employers. This interactive session, “Ace the Interview,” provides a unique opportunity for participants to engage in mock interviews with experienced professionals who are regularly involved in the hiring process. Through these hands-on experiences, attendees will gain valuable insights and personalized feedback to enhance their interviewing skills and boost their confidence.

More Details on this Session
Key Session Features:
  1. Mock Interviews with Professionals:
    • Participants will sign up in advance for a 20-minute mock interview slot with a professional interviewer.
    • Interviews will simulate real-world interview scenarios, providing a practical and realistic experience.
  2. Constructive Feedback:
    • Following each mock interview, interviewers will provide detailed, constructive feedback to the interviewee.
    • Feedback will focus on strengths, areas for improvement, and specific tips for future interviews.

Responding to Transportation Emergencies: Learning from Infrastructure Catastrophes – HUB 233AB

Classroom Session

In the wake of infrastructure catastrophes, such as the I-95 collapse in Philadelphia and the Key Bridge collapse in Baltimore, rapid and effective responses are critical to restoring functionality and ensuring public safety. This classroom session will delve into the challenges and strategies involved in managing transportation emergencies. Featuring presentations from experts involved in these high-profile responses, the session will provide valuable insights into the complex and urgent nature of emergency response in transportation engineering.

More Details on this Session
Key Session Features:
  1. Case Studies of Major Infrastructure Collapses:
    • Detailed presentations on the I-95 collapse in Philadelphia and the Key Bridge collapse in Baltimore.
    • Examination of the immediate impacts, response strategies, and long-term recovery efforts for each incident.
  2. Emergency Response Strategies:
    • Discussion of the key components of effective emergency response plans for transportation infrastructure.
    • Exploration of coordination efforts between various agencies, including local, state, and federal authorities.
  3. Challenges and Solutions:
    • Analysis of the logistical, technical, and communication challenges encountered during the emergency response.
    • Insights into the innovative solutions and approaches used to overcome these challenges.
  4. Lessons Learned:
    • Sharing lessons learned from past responses to infrastructure emergencies.
    • Identification of practices for future emergency preparedness and response planning.

Staying Involved After Graduation: Engaging with ITE as Young Professionals – HUB 131

Panel Discussion

Graduating from college marks a significant milestone, but it doesn’t mean the end of your involvement with ITE. This panel discussion brings together young professionals who have successfully transitioned from student members to active participants in ITE’s various activities. The session aims to provide students, recent graduates, and young professionals with insights and strategies on how to stay engaged with ITE, remain connected to their former student chapters, and contribute to the broader transportation engineering community.

More Details on this Session
Key Discussion Topics:
  1. Life as a Young Member of ITE:
    • Exploring the experiences and benefits of being a young professional member of ITE.
    • Discussing the opportunities for professional development, networking, and mentorship.
  2. Maintaining Ties with Former Student Chapters:
    • Sharing ways to stay connected and involved with student chapters after graduation.
    • Highlighting the mutual benefits of maintaining these connections for both graduates and current students.
  3. Involvement with ITE Sections and Districts:
    • Discussing the roles and responsibilities of being involved in ITE sections and districts.
    • Providing insights into how panelists became active in their local sections and districts.
  4. Strategies for Continued Engagement:
    • Offering practical advice on how to balance professional work with continued involvement in ITE.
    • Identifying resources and opportunities for young professionals to stay engaged and contribute.
  5. Impact of Continued Involvement:
    • Examining the long-term benefits of staying involved with ITE for career advancement and professional growth.
    • Discussing the personal and professional satisfaction derived from active participation in ITE activities.
Potential Questions for Panelists:
  1. What is life like as a young member of ITE?
    • What are some of the key benefits and opportunities you have experienced?
  2. How do you find yourself tied to your former student chapter?
    • What activities or initiatives have you participated in to maintain this connection?
  3. How are you involved with your ITE section or district, and how did you get there?
    • Can you describe the process of becoming active in your local section or district?
  4. What strategies have you found effective in balancing your professional responsibilities with continued involvement in ITE?
    • Are there specific time management tips or resources you would recommend?
  5. Can you share an example of a rewarding experience you’ve had as a young professional member of ITE?
    • How did this experience contribute to your professional development?
  6. What advice would you give to recent graduates about staying involved with ITE?
    • Are there particular steps they should take to ensure continued engagement?
  7. How has your involvement with ITE impacted your career trajectory?
    • Have you noticed specific benefits in terms of networking, job opportunities, or skill development?

Afternoon Session

Career Fair – Heritage Hall

A one-of-a-kind career fair dedicated exclusively to the transportation sector. Students – seize this chance to connect directly with potential employers. Professionals – don’t miss the opportunity to discover your next outstanding hire.

Participants TBD

Strike Three Pitch Competition – HUB 134

Interactive Session

The “Strike Three Pitch Competition” offers an exciting platform for students and young professionals to showcase their work through concise and compelling presentations. The competition is designed to inspire and challenge participants to effectively communicate the significance and impact of their work within a limited timeframe. By participating in this session, students and young professionals will gain valuable experience, receive constructive feedback, and compete for recognition as a top presenter. This session promises to be both educational and motivational, fostering a spirit of innovation and excellence in communication.

More Details on this Session
Key Session Features:
  1. Video Submission and Selection Process:
    • Participants will submit a video presentation outlining their work.
    • Judges will review submissions and select finalists based on the clarity, content, and delivery of the pitch.
  2. Live Pitch Presentations:
    • Finalists will deliver their three-minute pitches in person during the session.
    • Each presentation will be followed by a brief Q&A session with the judges.
  3. Judging Criteria:
    • Presentations will be evaluated on clarity of message, conciseness, and effectiveness in engaging the audience.
    • Judges will consider the overall impact and potential applications of the research or project.
  4. Constructive Feedback:
    • After each presentation, judges will provide constructive feedback to help participants improve their pitching skills.
    • Feedback will focus on strengths, areas for improvement, and suggestions for enhancing future presentations.
  5. Announcement of Winner:
    • At the conclusion of the session, the panel of judges will declare a winner based on the overall quality of the presentations.
    • The winner will be recognized for their outstanding ability to communicate their work effectively in a short timeframe.
Potential Topics for Presentations:
  • Research Findings: Summarizing key findings and implications of research projects.
  • Innovative Solutions: Presenting innovative solutions to current challenges in various fields.

Public vs. Private vs. Academia: Careers in Transportation EngineeringHUB 233AB

Panel Discussion

The field of transportation engineering offers diverse career paths across the public sector, private industry, and academia, each with its unique opportunities and challenges. This panel discussion brings together experienced professionals from each of these sectors to provide insights into their work environments, career trajectories, and personal experiences. The session aims to help current and aspiring transportation engineers understand the distinctions between these sectors and make informed decisions about their career paths.

More Details on this Session
Key Discussion Topics:
  1. Understanding Sector Differences:
    • Exploring the roles, responsibilities, and work environments in public, private, and academic sectors.
    • Discussing the benefits and drawbacks of working in each sector.
  2. Career Path Decisions:
    • Sharing personal stories of how panelists chose their career paths.
    • Highlighting factors that influenced their decisions to enter or switch between sectors.
  3. Sector-Specific Experiences:
    • Comparing and contrasting the types of projects and work in public vs. private vs. academia.
    • Discussing the skills and knowledge unique to each sector.
  4. Professional Development and Growth:
    • Examining opportunities for advancement and professional growth in each sector.
    • Discussing the impact of sector-specific work on career trajectories and job satisfaction.
  5. Advice for Aspiring Engineers:
    • Offering guidance on how to choose the right sector based on individual goals and interests.
    • Providing tips on how to transition between sectors and what to consider when making such a move.
Potential Questions for Panelists:
  1. What kind of work do you do in your current sector (public, private, academia)?
    • Can you describe a typical project or day in your role?
  2. How did you choose your current career path in transportation engineering?
    • What factors were most important in making your decision?
  3. For those who have switched sectors, what made you decide to switch from one sector to another?
    • How was the transition process?
  4. What parts of working in the public/private/academic sector do you prefer over the others?
    • Are there specific advantages or disadvantages you have noticed?
  5. What do you miss about your previous job or sector?
    • Are there aspects of your former role that you find lacking in your current position?
  6. How do opportunities for professional development and advancement differ between the public, private, and academic sectors?
    • Which sector do you believe offers the best growth opportunities?
  7. Can you share an example of a particularly rewarding project or experience in your sector?
    • What made it stand out?
  8. What advice would you give to aspiring transportation engineers when choosing between public, private, and academic careers?
    • Are there specific steps or considerations that can help in making an informed choice?

Events subject to change

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Day 1

HUB-Robeson Center

The HUB-Robeson Center is the main Student Union building at Penn State and will host all events on Day 1.

Heritage Hall, HUB 134, and HUB 131 are on the first floor, while HUB 233 AB is on the second floor. The northern entrance from Pollock Road is on the first floor, while the eastern entrance from the HUB Parking Deck or southern entrance from the HUB lawn are on the ground floor.

Day 2

Larson Transportation Institute Test Track

The Larson Transportation Institute’s Test Track will host the Technical Tour – CAV Demonstration!

The LTI Test Track is located at: 164 Test Track Rd, Bellefonte, PA 16823

Engineering Collaborative Research and Education (ECoRE) Building

Located on the west side of campus, ECoRE is the new home of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Penn State

The Day 2 Social will be held in ECoRE Room #504

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Transportation & Parking

On-Campus Parking

  • HUB Parking Deck
  • East Parking Deck
  • Eisenhower Parking Deck
  • Nittany Parking Deck
  • West Deck

Campus parking rates: $2-1st hr; $1 each add’l hr ($16 daily max.)

Off-Campus Parking

  • Pugh Street Garage
  • McAllister Street Garage
  • Fraser Street Garage
  • Beaver Avenue Garage
  • On-Street Parking

Off-campus parking rates: Free – 1st 30 mins; $1-1st hr; $1 each add’l hr ($20 – 24 hrs.)

We recommend using the ParkMobile app for additional parking options.

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Unfortunately, hotel room blocks are not available for the Student Leadership Summit. A number of hotels convenient to the SLS have been listed below.

Financial assistance is available for students to cover the cost of accommodation, including the annual funding provided by MASITE/CAPSITE and the Mid-Colonial District. For budget-friendly accommodation options, please contact Adway Das – [email protected].

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Sponsor the SLS

We are offering a variety of sponsorship tiers for organizations who wish to support the 2024 MCDITE Student Leadership Summit! Sponsors can register online through the link below to pay with a credit/debit card (with an added processing fee) or by check for free by contacting Adway Das.

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Contact Us

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